Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Henna Tattoos

enna is a permanent dye. It only fades because of the normal regeneration of the skin. Hindu brides have acknowledged for centuries the fact that henna paste adorns the body with temporary tattoo designs. Commonly henna tattoos are applied to the hands and feet, the body becomes a canvas for tattoo designs of whorls, vines, or flowers that hold up for a few weeks.

Festivities, such as childbirth and birthdays, may include menhdi, but it is Indian brides who traditionally exhibit the most ornate henna tattoos covering their feet and hands. Applying the tattoo designs paste is a celebratory pre-wedding ritual to convey love and good fortune to the couple but it has neither spiritual nor divine meaning. Sometimes brides prefer to mendhi much of their body and include the name of the groom among the tattoo designs. It is his right an

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